This soon to be released book will be the best yet. It is direct and cuts to the chase. After publishing "IN THE EYE OF EINSTEIN" and speaking to many people individually, in large groups and my workshops, I have put together their feedback into further explanations of process, as well as giving direct examples that you can experiment on your own as you are reading.
This book will reveal succinctly the five aspects of being a creative visionary genius and what you can do each day to achieve this.
Everyone talks about "Thinking Out Of The Box," but has anyone actually shown you how?
This is my best selling book yet. It evolved from my research on how all the great minds of visionaries work. In my focus groups in Psychology, I was able to connect the dots on both the physiological and psychological aspects of the visionary genius mind as opposed to the ordinary and restrictive mind. It is supported by all kinds of studies and experiments by others, not connected to, that substantiate everything that we have been doing in our workshops and private consultations for years.
This book will show you brain games and mind sets, that will enable you to truly "Think Out Of The Box" all of the time. It is an amazing fun and humorous way to become your own unique visionary genius.
The Creative Quotient is the result of my years as a creative professional. It encompasses my work as an Architect, Artist, Graphic Designer, Musician, Dancer and my experience perfoming and directing in Improvisation Theater.
It reveals my award winning techniques I developed through experimenting teaching art, design and architecture at the Academy Of Art University in San Francisco using improvisational theater principals.
You will never have a creative block again.
Why Anything Anyway is my first published book. It is the result of clarity from my many years on a spiritual journey. It can help anyone who is trying to weave their way through the dung heap of misinformation perpetrated on seekers of truth. This book elucidates how everything is connected in terms of human aspirations and purpose. It goes into detail on the breakdown of ancient classic Archetypes as originally depicted in the enneagram and how each type has it's own unique approach to pursuing consciousness. It also reveals the different charlatans techniques that are seducing and duping their followers by using trick spiritual logic.