Through my creative endeavors, being an Architect, Artist and Music composer, I had to regularly come up with new ideas all the time and in many cases under a lot of time pressure. I did things to refresh my mind like, exercise, meditation, sleep, doing some other unrelated creative projects, etc. I found that when I would go back to a problem, that I was previously struggling with, I had immediate solutions, with little or no struggle at all. Being a bit of an entrepreneur, I also found that doing this technique would even help me tackle and find solution to projects I have never done before, with great success, especially where my clients were concerned.
Out of all of that, I found out that two things are true:
Ideas don't come from us, but through us. Our job is to become a more skilled tool to enact them.
There is an inner mind that works better when we get our self judgmental critical minds out of the way.
This became very apparent later on, when I was teaching and developing the improv games in an improv group I started in Las Vegas for a few years.
Then another piece of the picture fit into place, when I started to study the two different hemispheres of the brain. The right side being the intuitive/creative and the left side the logical/technical. Most people are primarily right brained of left brained and when challenged to use both sides, will flip back and forth and not experience them simultaneously. But, there were things that I did in great quantity that most people didn't do that would make you use both sides at the same time. I eventually called it Holographic Thinking.
One: Perspective drawing, which I had to do for a living, where there was a technical element as well as a visualizing element. In fact, I found out later that the discovery of perspective drawing, created the Renaissance.
Two: In Martial Arts, you have to learn the structure of some moves and a system of how the body and mind need to respond to the certain physical challenges. But, you also need to break free of the physical patterns, allowing your body's memory to perform them, while you are creatively responding to new physical challenges in creative unexpected ways.
Three: Improvisational comedy, where there are certain rules and restrictions intentionally put into place while playing improv games or scenes, while you need to “in the moment,” find creative loop holes, which is where the formula for humor kicks in.
I also combined those experiences with my work on consciousness, where one needed to not get immersed in what one was doing to the point of forgetting to “Remember yourself” and be “The Observer” and not what is being observed, so one could maintain a relative state of meditation in action.(Otherwise currently labeled mindfulness).
To top it all off, when doing improv, you have to do it all in the midst of chaos.
In 2008 after I wrote the book, IN THE EYE OF EINSTEIN, I started